Dynamic Block - Door with Live
This could be a passe issue but I couldn't find an answer in the archives or other sites.Please help me fix this block. The good thing is that when the leaf is rotated, the swing arc tags along with the leaf but the bad thing is that its other end detaches from the jamb and stays at 90 degrees.
My swing (ang. dim) always stay at a 90 degree arc no matter how big or small the angle of the leaf is opened, it simply doesn't want to fan in or fan out, it just rotates with the door leaf.
I couldn't locate the fault, the file is attached, thanks.
dynamic door with stretchable swing.dwg Your dim isn't associated, for this trick to work it has to be associated with the geometry. Thank you. the swing did when I converted it to associative. But how do you make the round grip that's controlling the angle of the leaf move with the tip of the leaf whenever the leaf is rotated or its width is changed?
No matter if I place it on the tip of the leaf or on the middle of the leaf, just the same it won't follow when the jamb is manipulated.
If the leaf is rotated, it obeys, but it's a different story when I stretch/squeeze the leaf. It just stays, by the time I tested plenty of times the width of the opening, the grip is already so out of place and confusing, it doesn't make sense to the user, what its purpose is.
dynamic door with stretchable swing 2.dwg Sorry I didn't try out the other actions. There are a few points that you should check,
-the Angle1 parameter should be included into the Stretch2 action set, there is no need to alter the selection area just add the parameter to the selection set (you can delete the move action).
-the dim is influenced by the Scale action and should be removed from the Stretch1 action set
-and finally the Stretch2 action should be included into the Rotation selection set.
The only other thing I noticed when the block is used, is that if you alter the angle and then perform a stretch the ends of the door leaf distort, constraints may help with that, but I use LT and LT doesn't support constraints so I can't be sure if that will give other problems or not.