tipu_sultane 发表于 2022-7-7 13:42:54

By putting underscore "_", or

When we select from a Ribbon using mouse the underscore comes before command in command-line but when we type, we just write its name with out underscore. Also what is the meaning of dash "-" before command.
Are all the commands above same? If not please tell me the difference?

Tyke 发表于 2022-7-7 14:08:44

The underscore before a command uses the English language command. This is used where the installed AutoCAD language is not English, for example German. If you have an English language version of AutoCAD then it does not matter if the underscore is there or not.
The dash "-" issues a command line version of the command without any dialogue boxes. This is not available for all of the commands, but most of them. Sometimes you get more options with a command line command, for example if you run the "-purge" command you get the option to delete registered applications, but this option is not available in the normal "purge" command.

tmo793 发表于 2022-7-7 14:14:27

So, can you do you do a command line version of an english language command? (e.g. "_-purge"?)
Also, I've seen some commands include a full-stop (period), what's up with that? (e.g. the command "_.purge" brings up the purge dialogue box)
EDIT: Derr, how about i try for myself?Yes, _-purge brings up the english commandline version of purge.Still not sure how "_.purge" differs from "_purge" though

profcad 发表于 2022-7-7 14:37:19

By placing a period in front of the command, you are running the real command, not a user defined command.
AutoCAD has a command named UNDEFINE that will temporarily remove a command.   For example, if you type UNDEFINE LINE, the line command will not work any longer.If you type .LINE it will run the command even though it was undefined.   This is often used when someone want to create a custom command with the same name as the AutoCAD command.
BTW, you can use REDEFINE to restore the command.

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:46:32

A common redefine is CLOSE were you do something like purge before actually closing the dwg.
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