Location / Block Plan UK
Hi guys,I'm a first year studying architecture and have been asked to produce a Sit Location Plan at 1:1250 with red line demise, scale bar, north Point & street names.
Also, I've been asked to produce a proposed block plan at 1:500 with Soft and Hard landscaping proposals if you have any, roof plan , boundary line, north point and scale bar.
I'm fine with downloading the OS map from digimaps to DWG format for AutoCad, but after that i'm unsure as to how I get down to the black and white version of the plans which will look something like this:
Thanks in advance with your help!
Olly Why are you scaling the drawing? It is provided in metre units, and you should not be scaling Ordnance Survey drawings in Model Space unless you know what you are doing.
If you are in Layout, then you should be scaling to 1000:1250, because AutoCAD default metric units are millimetres. I think that you may be using an Imperial template instead of a Metric template. This does produce unnecessary complications.