asafari 发表于 2022-7-7 13:50:46

Is this possible?

Hi there,
I have been approached regarding a project, and I'd like to understand whether it's feasible or not.
The client is looking for a mobile app (native app or web) that would allow them to:
- access autocad files remotely via the application (offline)
- edit/update the files remotely
I would imagine the above is supported by AutoCAD 360.   However, in addition to the above, we'd like to support the following use case:
- The client accesses AutoCAd files (floor plans)
- A menu within the application provides a list of employee who will be using the floor plan (stored in a remote db)
- The user can select one of the employees in a dropdown, tap an area in the floor plan, and associate the two together.   This will update the remote employee db.
Some additional points:
- The AutoCAD files are multi-layered and all historical information and changes needs to be stored for auditing purposes.
- The AutoCAD files should be editable within the context of this application.
- The application needs to support a multi-user environment, syncing changes.
Is building such an application feasible?Are there products out there that already do this kind of thing?

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 13:58:05

This app would require user accounts and have an administrative login credentials it sounds like. This definitely doesn't exist in a native app but I believe A360 is currently developing such a tool, but for the BIM suites. I do recall that DWG files will be included in this A360 Building Collaboration, which maybe would allow AutoCAD WS to gain access to the DWG files.
But the list of requirements you mention is robust... not even the desktop version of AutoCAD has this level of user administration integrated into it's software. My advice would be to keep an eye on A360 Collaboration.

RobDraw 发表于 2022-7-7 14:09:43

How is it even possible to access the files remotely and offline? That statement sounds conflicting.
AutoCAD is not capable of a multi-user environment. If a file is being accessed by one person, it cannot be editted by another.

asafari 发表于 2022-7-7 14:11:35

Thanks for the responses.    By remote and offline, I'm assuming there could be a scenario where a user would download the file to their local device, edit it, and then sync to a remote repository when online again.
I have drawn too much focus on to the multi-user aspect of this request.   Let's assume collaboration is not a requirement.   Ignoring that, what are some thoughts regarding the other requirements.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 14:23:05

Either way, there's still nothing (that we know of) that exists which will handle this need. It's a little above and beyond AutoCAD, let alone an app that handles DWGs. There would need to be development no doubt.

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:25:31

The only alternative that comes to mind is remote access to your office server but that would be via a laptop and normal Autocad, I have done from home as a bit of a test. Autocad's mobile app uses its own server not the office one so if you forget to load a dwg it may not be available adifferent problem. If we were to go back to say Autocad 2.0 it ran on floppy disks and that included lisp no where near the data size now available on a phone. Say version 5 of A360 will be a full version ?We tinkered with a spreadsheet on a survey total station once.

asafari 发表于 2022-7-7 14:31:55

The main issue we're grappling with is how to have access to AutoCAD files and to build a web or mobile application layered on top of the DWG files, capable of
- updating back-end databases based on what users tap on.
- layering a complete new menu-system on top of the drawings
I recognize that even if possible, this is significant development as it will likely require using APIs, etcbut we have very little experience with AutoCAD and don't even know what is and is not possible, and what products to even use and extend.
Would anyone be willing to engage in a phone conversation to help us?We are located in Toronto.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 14:38:10

I can block out twenty minutes for a phone conversation. I'll PM you details.
Well, can't PM you yet, you don't have 10 posts. My company is Hill & Wilkinson get the contact info there (Dallas office) and ask for Tannar Frampton and they'll direct the call to me.

asafari 发表于 2022-7-7 14:49:34

Thank you for your time, Tannar.    I, or someone from my team will contact you.

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:52:38

Not sure how you got on with Tannar but just some info you can get Toolkits to open a autocad dwg but you have to write your own graphics interface.
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