Damon :) 发表于 2022-7-7 13:55:56

Student - Drawings

I am a student studying with AutoCAD 2013, anyone got any drawings for me to draw/practice with?

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:11:02

What kind are you looking for?

Damon :) 发表于 2022-7-7 14:18:21

2D / Isometric8)

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-7 14:35:53

Architectural? Civil? Mechanical?
Does your school have a building called "The Library"?
Maybe there are some books on drafting.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:39:55

Could you elaborate please?
I have two PDF files with 19 different mechanical parts shown in fully dimensioned isometric views if you are interested.I'll need your email address.Display it as such...
m y e m a i l a d d y AT h o t m a i l DOT c o m

Damon :) 发表于 2022-7-7 14:47:39

That would be great!
r a n d a l l DOT d a m o n AT h o t m a i l DOT c o m

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:56:45

All taken care of.You should receive them shortly.Good luck.
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