j4cksincl4ir 发表于 2022-7-7 14:06:28

iPhone/ iPad Floor Plan Apps

Does anyone here use one of those floor plan creating apps for the iPad or iPad?
As far as I know, the app allows the user to triangulate points in a room which creates a plan drawing.
I wonder if this app created plan can be moved into AutoCAD back in the office so that it can be touched up etc.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:19:06

"I wonder if this app created plan can be moved into AutoCAD back in the office so that it can be touched up etc."
Sounds like another disaster in the making.It will end up being just like using PDFs.Headaches.

j4cksincl4ir 发表于 2022-7-7 14:23:35

I've found an app called Magic Plan that creates floor plans fromphotographs taken by the iPod. I don't mind if it doesn't transfer toAutoCAD easily, as I'm more interested in taking dimensions without anotepad and freehand sketch drawings.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:29:03

Well let us know how that experiment goes as I am sure there will be a few people here who would be interested in learning more.

danellis 发表于 2022-7-7 14:37:55

On a related note has anyone tried the iPad version of AutoCAD?Is it any good?

Mike_Taylor 发表于 2022-7-7 14:44:00

Autodesk has an app similar to that. 123D CAD, it creates a 3D Model based on pictures of an object.
We tried it quite a while back (2 and a half years maybe?) and we had some serious display issues. I have it on my Blackberry, but haven't tried it out yet.

f700es 发表于 2022-7-7 14:52:20

I have both AutoCAD 360 and AutoDesk 360 on my Galaxy Note 10. They are getting better with each revision but as a season AutoCAD user I find them very limiting and tedious. I do also have an ipod touch and I will try that MagicPlan you mentioned.

knedragr 发表于 2022-7-7 15:04:22

hello i'mnew to forum   but would like to help ..I have used all the apps for the phone and ipadthe best by far is an app I use everyday for work its called my measuresit has a free version and a paid upgrade    u can take a pic of an object or a room touch the screen and type numbers or notes ./. u can then email them or add them to the cloud so that other users can see the pics it worked well for doing kitchen measurements and it great for emailing as a pdf that can be viewed once I get home on large screen and can be added to client files.

averess 发表于 2022-7-7 15:08:51

I would recommend you an iPad application, it is called OrthoGraph. It is a professional floor plan creating app. It is not cheap but In my opinionit's worth's the price. The app has a very intuitive interface and the company runs aYouTube Channel that contains plenty of useful video tutorials.
It has DXF and IFC ouputs so the created files are easily convertable to AutoCAD.
It's worth to check the website there is an interesting video about the application: http://www.orthograph.net/
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