dwbates 发表于 2022-7-7 14:50:10

DWF files? How to manipulate i

I have dwf files that I would like to manipulate in AutoCAD?
Can this be done in AutoCAD or do I need another software to accomplish this?

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 15:11:00

I believe they are read-only, for documentation purposes.

Dana W 发表于 2022-7-7 15:36:33

A dwf is treated as a raster image in AutoCad.It is pretty much just an underlay image.It is a read-only reference file likea pdf.It can be converted, by various 3rd party programs but the results are often poorer than a pdf conversion. 
Is it possible for you to get the original dwg file or even a dxf file of the drawing?

resullins 发表于 2022-7-7 16:08:34

There are programs that will convert them for you. I've had some good luck with AutoDWG. It's not too expensive. That would always be my last resort though, if you really can't get a hold of the real files.
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