SHELLEPOCH 发表于 2022-7-7 14:54:16

Freezing layers and saving.

Im working in a dwg. and I have pulled in an xref.
I was freezing layers of the xref and then saved the dwg. I closed the drawing and re-opened it only to find out it didnt save the layers I had orginally froze.
I have never had this issue before.
Whats going on?
using 2008 architectual desktop

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-7 15:28:56

check the variable VISRETAIN, it is probably set to 0, it should be set to 1 so save your changes.

SHELLEPOCH 发表于 2022-7-7 15:39:49

Probably the changed layer are coming from Xref drawings. When you set visibility (freeze/thaw, on/off, etc.) of Xref layers, AutoCAD does not save this setting and 'forgets' it on next drawing open.
To change this behaviour set the VISRETAIN variable (in the main drawing) to 1 or check the "Retain changes to Xref layers" option on the 'Open & Save' tab of the Options dialog.

SHELLEPOCH 发表于 2022-7-7 16:05:48

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