draknar 发表于 2022-7-7 14:57:02

How to kill phantom UCS?

Hi All!Been searching this topic for days, and it's really becoming a problem for both myself and my co-worker.
I would think it should be a simple fix, to the point that I'm wondering if it's a bug.
I have my World UCS exactly where I want it, without any need to change UCS. I'm using AutoCAD 2014.
Never at any point have I ADDED a UCS intentionally.
However, I somehow magically got a new UCS. (I suspect from using a PressPull command, but not sure).
Now, no matter what I try, whenever I hit "Top View", it REVERTS the UCS back to this new random one, instead of the world UCS (and No, I am NOT using the ViewCube, I am using the hard View options panel).
I've gone into View Manager, and ALL MY VIEWS still use "World", or at least it says they do, but when I hit Top View it still goes back to that new UCS (but Front and Side views work fine...which is bogus because when I DO make a new UCS on purpose, and set that UCS in the View Manager, ALL the views now work with that new UCS...meaning I see no reason why ONLY the Top view is effected here).
How the heck do I DELETE this annoying UCS???I've renamed it, then used the UCS command to delete it, but all it does it delete the name!!The stupid UCS is still there!
Frequently I end up having to copy everything from my drawings to a new drawing just to "clean up" all the UCSs that were created without my permission, refuse to be deleted, and refuse to be changed from the default setting of the views.
It's a barrage of little problems like these that is causing me to shop around looking for another CAD package for our company to use.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 15:06:51

Is the system variable UCSFOLLOW set to a value of "0"?

draknar 发表于 2022-7-7 15:15:46

Right now it's set to 0 but I've tried it with it set to 1.In another post where someone was having UCS issues (not quite the same issue) this was mentioned so I toyed around with it.To no avail I'm afraid.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 15:27:17

There was a thread not all that long ago where the user was having a difficult time with a 3D drawing in which the UCS was all mucked up.I remember trying to fix the drawing but it drove me crazy so I basically used the method you described (insert objects into new drawing).I can't recall if another forum member hit upon a viable solution.I'll see if I can find the thread.
I do not believe it is a problem with AutoCAD.I believe it has more to do with the user's technique.
Well here's the thread for what it's worth.

draknar 发表于 2022-7-7 15:33:33

I found that I can just go to the bad view, set the UCS to World (which is always temporary), and then create a new UCS on-top of that and set all the views to that UCS and have it work.
But if I switch it back to "World" in the View Manager, guess what happens?It switches to using that undead UCS again, and again just for the Top View.
The fact that it can't be changed or modified leaves me to believe it's closer to the realm of bug than user technique.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 15:43:34

If it were a bug we would be seeing many more similar questions.So far I can only recall two (yours being one).Sorry.
Are you current with your service packs?

draknar 发表于 2022-7-7 15:52:17

I don't think I've ever updated it, so if there's been anything released in the past few months than probably not.I'll look into it.

Dana W 发表于 2022-7-7 16:02:10

Here is AutoCad 2914 service pack 1 - September 2013.If you installed your program since then, the update should have been picked up during instalation.At any rate, if it is already installed, it will inform you.Disable the anti-virus and turn off ALL other programs after download, and before running the update.
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