miroslav_s 发表于 2022-7-7 14:57:57

Pressnpull,extrude command nee

I need help with “drilling” the hole through the ”engine” so that hole appears all the waydown to the spark plugs. I put 6 spark plugs inside the engine, if you changeto X ray for example you will see those spark plugs inside the engine. I triedpressnpull, extrude but could not do it. Can somebody please tell me the rightway. I placed on circle right above the engine as you can see and this circlerepresent the dimension of the hole. I have also drawn a circle under the sparkplug and this circle represent where the hole should end. I hope you dounderstand what I want and please tell me how to do this. Sorry for the bad paint-drawing J(http://prntscr.com/2pj4xp)
Also oneother question:
I was planning then to pull six cables on the engine and those cables should follow thesurface of this engine, like this: http://prntscr.com/2pj5l2. Now, the problem isn´t when Idraw lines on plane surface, that´s easy but when I get to the part of theengine when the surface is not planehow do I make the lineto follow that “fillet” that I made before? Oh my god, hope you understood whatI was trying to say J
Here is the drawing: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8906158/need%20help.dwg
Thank you in advance for all the help.
Best regards ,
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