Armin M 发表于 2022-7-7 15:26:42

3D Polyface Mesh - 2D Projecti

hey guys, im a newbie in the 3D world of autocad and i need help with an particular problem. I have a 3D model of a steel construction with the assignment to create special views of itand 2D projections for manufacturing of each beam individually. I tried many commands like Flatshot ( which dont work cause its a complex polyface mesh, and smoothmesh only makes a additionally mess), Flatten with hiden lines ( lines are mixed and changed), the LISP command SUPFLAT, but the hidden lines appear in the projection. SOLVIEW and SOLDRAW create views in the paperspace, which when exportet as a layout, become a mess too. The Lisp command M2S also does not work. Any Ideas and thank you very much.
258 3D Modell ME 05.dwg

RobDraw 发表于 2022-7-7 15:33:45

My AutoCAD 3D experience is very limited but you may be going about this the wrong way. One of the advantages of 3D models is that you view it pretty much anyway you want. Those views can be annotated and put on paper. You are using paper space, right? Someone should be along shortly with a good procedure for setting this up.

Armin M 发表于 2022-7-7 15:42:21

im working in model space, and i need simple lines from it to dimension every part and detail, the result from a simiral project is this without any viewport or paperspace modification:

RobDraw 发表于 2022-7-7 15:49:46

Are saying that you need one 2D view showing all of those details? Why? I'm not trying to be critical but it would be so much faster to create views of the 3D model and annotate them. What do you mean by not modifying viewports or paperspace?
Is this a school project? Then I could understand that but not quite. It's a great 2D drafting exercise but these days 3D is making it's way into even the smallest of offices. (Just my 2 cents.)

Armin M 发表于 2022-7-7 15:56:01

the customer, the stellworkshop works only with model space or pdf files. thats the request from them, and that the scale must be always 1:1 1:5 or 1:10, i dont know why, but thats a silly fact, yes i know. I can make views in the paper space , but when i export them back into model space, they are crapy.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-7 16:02:23

Are you using an add-in in AutoCAD to create that geometry?
You should be creating 3D solids for creation of 2D drawings, not polyface meshes.

f700es 发表于 2022-7-7 16:06:51

I agree with JD that in this situation 3D solids is the way to go. Meshes are best for more organic shaped items. You should be able to re-do with solids in no time.

Armin M 发表于 2022-7-7 16:12:43

I received this drawing from a corporation which use Spirit Softtech software. The problem is i have 26 such constructions, which i must convert to solids to be able to work with them. Thanks for your replies, but can anyone explain how to convert this complex meshes into solids, to use later than, flatshot commands to make 2d projections? convert to solid/face dont work, and all the commands above doesnt do i thing to it.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-7 16:14:47

Are you really using 2010?
If so, then I recommend you start from scratch and remodel the assembly.
If you were using a later release I might suggest trying (don't know if it would work on your non-native geometry) the surfsculpt command.
Never mind - even if it does work - your mesh was faceted which isn't good enough quality to for me.
I would want true revolves.

f700es 发表于 2022-7-7 16:21:24

2013 Convert to solid did not work on my end.
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