Mouse or Digitizer Tablet?
I am just beginning to learn Autocad. I have found what appears to be a good online site "MYCADSITE" at to help me learn in a structured and progressive way.I only have a (Very Powerful i7 laptop) for now. I am wondering whether to buy a decent mouse like a Logitech 700 , or a Wacom Intuos4 tablet now that they are reasonably priced, to use rather than keyboard entry of all coimmands and modifiers.
My budget is slim but I am thinking I will not need something like a 3D SpacePro mouse for about a year until I get up to speed.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Hi Iinloki
Depends a bit what kind of work you will be doing. If your are doing lots of small scale detailed work I found that a wacom is good. I have one, but I also have just a normal mouse so I combine the two. If your just beginning to learn autocad I`d suggest to stick to the mouse and get a wacom once your more familiar with working with the program. If you work with cad a lot say 8h/day everyday during the work week then having a wacom will help as it will speed up work as well as save your hand. Thanks for the reply.Years ago (1980's) I used an Avera CAD system to draw Microcircuit Layouts. We had a Summagraphics Summasketch Pad and Keyboard and there was no mouse. We could program pen stroke patterns to be recognized as commands and a point or points would be entered when prompted for location or dimensions.
Is it possible to program the same techniques into a Wacom Intuos 4 or 5 with Autocad commands and dimensions ? I'd say go with the mouse. You will also want to learn the keyboard shortcuts although you still need a mouse. Thanks !
I ordered a Logitech M510 wireless.
It is a 5 button ( I believe ) , with a tilting wheel that is pretty cheap these days.