kalathilanwar 发表于 2022-7-7 15:34:34

convert spline to arc..?

Hai sir,
how can i convert a arc shaped spline to arc.?
i need to get the radius of that spline..is there any way to get the radius of arc shaped spline.?
ur helpings will be highly appriciated....

Guest Alan Cull 发表于 2022-7-7 15:56:37

Basically, no. What you have to do is draw a three point arc over sections of the spline until you get them as close as you can to what you want. Then join them all to form a polyline.
Then you can get the radius of various sections, and there will be many.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-7 16:00:23

Basically, yes. What you will have to do is -
Make sure you are in top view 2D wireframe shademode.
Run the Flatten command and accept the default No option when it prompts about removing hidden lines.
Run the Explode command on the lwpolyline resulting from the Flatten command.
You will now have a series of arcs.
Run the List command to retrieve the radii.
This is very useful for generating CNC G-code.

todorb2000 发表于 2022-7-7 16:10:55

How to put data to excel

criticalmaster 发表于 2022-7-7 16:22:49

this is exactly what i needed - very helpful!

cncpatriot 发表于 2022-7-7 16:38:11

You can try out the new SPLINECAM app in Autodesk AppStore or download it from autocam2d.com/download link.
It converts splines to polylines/polyarcs with optimal number of vertices and smoothness.
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