How to set units in autCAD, an
hallow to differentiate the one drawing in modal space using mm and the other one using cm, other one is using m? confused to know how to configure the units setting, and if someone set mm or cm in modal space does the auto-CAD detect the respective unit setting? e.g. one is using mm and he/she offset 1 unit, say mm, and suddenly i want to change the one unit offset to be m or cm, how does it work?
3. if some one has drawn in m, and i want copy and paste in new MS but i want continuing using different units say mm how does it work?
thank you guys. Use the line command -DWGUNITS where one can choose what a single unit will be equivalent to.It looks like this...
Command: -dwgunits
Drawing units:
1. Inches
2. Feet
3. Millimeters
4. Centimeters
5. Decimeters
6. Meters
1.) To determine what units were used first look for dimensions and or an object with a known dimension.In architecture drawings you can look for an exterior door, check the width of the opening.Maybe a door is normally 900mm wide, in a drawing you opened it is measureing 90 or it measures .9.The 90 would be cm, the .9 would be meters.
2.) when you call up Units you only have a few choices, Architectural, Decimal, Engineering, Fractional, Scientific.Decimal is the one you would use for metric.Now, autocad won't know if you are drawing in M, cm, or mm, but you pick one and stay with it for that drawing.When I say to pick one I don't mean there is a selection box for the various ones, you simply say to yourself I am working in mm.Lets say you pick mm, so when inputing a distance to draw a line or offset a line you will be thinking in mm.In your dimstyles you will pick Decimal for your unit format, if you want you can add a suffix for every dim with mm for the above example.
3.)If you copy and paste an object drawn in meters and your drawing is done in mm there are two ways to handle this.If the meter drawing has insunits set for meters and your current drawing has insunits set to mm then you won't have to do anything.If for some reason the meter drawing has insunits set to mm then you will have to scale the object up by 1000. thank you guys for you help, i have tried and it works
good day and God bless