Right click.
I WAS JUST USING MVSETUP COMMAND TO ROTATE A VIEW PORT NAD NOT MY RIGHT CLICK WONT WORK?? ANY THOUGHTS OR SUGGESTIONS?? Sould have proof read... Should read ....and now Reset your SHORTCUTMENU system variable setting to 1. Or better yet consider the TIME SENSITIVE RIGHT CLICK CUSTOMIZATIONS, which you will find on the USER PREFERENCES tab in OPTIONS. I'll try it thank you! Im currently at work and the others computers in our dept. are not set to have the time sensititve option on.my right click will only just keep opening where the last place I was which is not normal... sorry it is normal for it to bring up the last thing used... its when I have something selected that it doesnt work. i.e text.
If I select text I should get a pop up that lets me move, copy, rotate..
I cant double click the text to edit whats written either... what will happen with changing my shortcutmenu variable to 1??If I type that into the command line now it shows me that its default to
Id hate to hit 1 not knowing what I may screw up beyoond my current problem. I needed to change my pickfirst variable to
thank you for your help though.