jiggly_jelloo 发表于 2022-7-7 15:42:31

Solid Hatch won't stretch

I have been having an issue with my hatches, especially when I use solid.I always make them associative but when I have to move an object using stretch, the hatch does not come along with it.
When I hatch an item I generally use the "pick points" option.Do I need to be using select objects?Or is there something else that I am missing?
Thank you

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 16:13:13

I recreated the underlying geometry.

jiggly_jelloo 发表于 2022-7-7 16:24:43

Click on the hatch and move its points over to where you want them to be. The hatch points move independant of the lines. This only works in Version 2013.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 16:48:32

Was this tested using the OP's drawing?
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