kjkeating 发表于 2022-7-7 15:45:11

Launch Autocad to the "Choose

When I start AutoCad, I want it to open to a dialog box that lets me choose from my folder of personal templates. I know that STARTUP = 1 essentially does this, but the interface isn't quite asuser-friendly as what I see from clicking NEW with the following settings:
Options>Files>Template Settings>Default Template File Name for QNEW = None
With these settings, AutoCad will still open its own default template: acad.dwt (or acadiso.dwt). My understanding is that renaming these files so AutoCad can't find them will force the application to show the dialog box I want, pointed to the folder I specify in Options>Files>Drawing Template File Location.
If that's so, what is the file path for finding the acad.dwt file in Windows 7?
If not, is it possible to get AC to launch to the dialog I want using STARTUP = 0?
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