InteriorDesign8 发表于 2022-7-7 15:59:26

Interior Design Student -- Whi

Hi - please bear with me if this has already been disucussed. Couldnt find any specific answers in older threads.
Interior Design student -- need to choose CAD software and very confused with all the choice out there.
My goal is to open up a private ID practice, where I do residential and light commercial interiors. i.e. draw up or work with existing house plans and just do great interior layouts / finishes etc.
It seems AutoCad / Revit is very Architectural based, and less "interior friendly" - at the moment Im leaning towards Chief Architect Home Design as their products look a lot more user friendly and more aimed at Interior Designers / Decorators.
Recommendations for products aimed more at lighter Interior Design?

pendean 发表于 2022-7-7 16:52:48

AutoCAD is no geared towards anyone. It's generic and open to everyone.AutoCAD Arxhitrcture, a different program, is similar to REVIT and aimed at Architects.
Get your facts right.
Your software choice will really depend on your customer's choice (home owner would not care but a Builder or Architect probably already use a preferred software). You need to be prepared for change or use of multiple software. You will almost never be an "island" but most likely working with others.
Start where you feel comfortable but expect to change as your work source demands.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 17:06:49

Plain AutoCAD is not set up to be used for ID right out of the box without adding some content so if you have a product that already leans in that direction I'd at least put it on the short list of possible programs.Where did you go to school?What program was used?
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