silly question.
Hello all im really new to cad but am learning fast.The only problem i have at the moment is that i am trying to work on a drawing that has been created by someone else and when i attempt to select a line it selects all lines connected to it even though they are not polylines or shapes. there is a strange little symbol that appears next to the cursor that looks like a white box diagonally connected to a filled blue box?
can anyone tell me what the heck it is and how to stop it doing that?
Maybe it was something ive pressed by mistake but im dammed if i know what?
Thanks all in advance.
Nuclearpuppy Could this be a "block" you are attempting to edit?
Perhaps "Constraints" have been enabled? its not a block but it may be constraints how do i access them to see what is enabled? I think you should disable them as they will be less of a distraction for you.The toggle for this is located in the lower left-hand corner of your screen on the Task Bar.I think it is the first icon (Infer Constraints). ok ive turned them off but it still selects all ive got no idea it never used to be like this lol!!
literally back to the drawing board for me i think. I can think of only two things at this point...block or group. Did you just turn off the display of constraints or delete them?
Select the line>Right-Click>Properties should tell what it is at top. Select it and look at PROPERTIES or QUICK PROPERTIES and see what sort of entity it says it is.
If it says it is a BLOCK REFERENCE then try to EXPLODE the block.
If it doesn't say it is a BLOCK REFERENCE, select it, then use your RIGHT CLICK shortcut menu to UNGROUP it.
Or it could be an XREF, in which case you won't be able to select PARTS of it unless you use the BLOCK EDITOR or BIND it into the drawing.
I am guessing you're on the right track SLW. Or attach a copy of the drawing to your next post here and someone will take a look at it. Is there an echo in here or is it just me?