Changed to portrait, now print
Hi All. I hope somebody can help.I'm really struggling to get my head around "paper space" & "model space".I just made a fairly detailed drawing and printed it in landscape on an A4 sheet.That worked well.But then I changed my mind.I now want to print it in "portrait".Trouble is it needs to be resized, as it keeps missing part of my drawing off the right hand side of the paper.How do I do that?Many thanx. Paper space is where your title block and border should rightfully go.
Model space is where all your geometry should go.It should be drawn at FULL size no matter if you are drawing a paperclip or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai at 2,722 ft. (829.8 m) tall.
Now comes the fun part.Your text and dimensions can go in either space.Put them in model space and you need to look at a feature called "annotative scaling".Put them in your paper space layout and the only thing you have to worry about is making your dimensions "associative".
So, did you create a layout with your title block and border in it?Yes or no?
If so, did you then create a viewport so you could see the objects you created back in model space?Yes or no?
If so, did you assign a scale to the viewport?Yes or no?
If you used a viewport did you lock the display?Yes or no?
Are you working in metric or imperial units?
What paper size are you plotting to?
Are you plotting Layout, Display, Window or Extents? Huh???!!!!!
Thanx for the reply, but most of that is way over my head.My drawing is a technical illustration for my book.No need for a title block or dimensions.I never needed scaling for any of my previous drawings.I just printed them and they came out fine, as did this one, until I changed orientation.I have never even bothered with metric or imperial units.Just draw the diagram and print it.
Now I am really worried. You throw enough darts and one is bound to find the center of the target.The remainder get stuck in the curtains.
I'm glad to hear that you have found a solution to your problem.Thank you for updating us.
I apologize for being so hard on you.It is one of my design flaws.