editing z values from 0, for a
Hi,I have searched and cant find the answer on the forum so firstly sorry for posting it as im sure it's there somewhere.
I left site, we are asbuilding structures. When I id the current info, I have x and y co-ordinates but z values are 0, and when I try edit the z value it wont allow me to apply the new level,
really appriciate any help on this basic issue, I have not had this problem before.
Cheers guys. Thank you for your help, the issue is that I have to have individual elevations for each corner of the footings etc, so I have tried to explode the polylines etc, but still having trouble. I have even tried to insert points with elevations at the corners......
Basically when I export this to a dxf, the designers need to be able to "id" any corner and get an x,y,z value.
thanks for your help so far, hopefully someone else will post, when I go to my properties, I have x y and z tabs, when I selact z a little calculator appears, when I select this it brings me to "quick Calc" so I enter the elevation I want here but the apply button always stays gray, not allowing me to alter the z value.
Thanks again anyway. I think that you are getting in a muddle with Elevations and Z values.
There is a polyline in your drawing that has a Z value of 0, but an elevation of -9999.999. Only the Z value shows up when you ID a point.
Another matter to consider is that a polyline can only have a single Z value. If your lines have differing Z values, then you will have to use a 3D polyline. If you have the original data, then perhaps re-drawing it in 3D will be better.
After you have set all the ELEVATIONS to 0, then I favour the old fashioned MOVE instead of altering the Z values.
Did you not capture the shots electronically? Did you not record levels!
If your comparing as built to design why not have two seperate dwgs design & as built the "as built" should be 3d real survey levels as a mimimum 3d points x,y,z lots of examples here how to load. The points can be combined say on another layer in the design dwg leave the design at 0.0 turn on points DDPTYPE set the points to a size not % its pretty obvious what des v's as built. You can do plines etc but the more info the harder to compare.