2-D Space Planning
Hi All, I have been tasked with producing a space plan for an office, one of the floros requires a reception area and meeting rooms, I'm not really sure where to start placing things, any idea what is the best way to approach this?Thanks in advance Do you have a floor plan drawing to work with or do you have to create one?
Do you have any symbols for the objects you will be placing in each area or room?
Do you want to make use of attributes? Yes I have a floor plan, just not sure where to start placing things? So you have blocks representing such objects as desks, chairs, file cabinets, tables, and alike right?
Do you have any reference guides as far as spacing requirements go such as a copy of the book Architectural Graphic Standards? I have lots of blocks but no reference books I think it would be helpful to find some information about "space usage" before you proceed wouldn't you?
For example:The placement of a file cabinet is going to have to take into account that a person opening it may need to pull the drawer all the way out.Depending on the position of the person accessing the cabinet (directly in front or perpendicular) the spacing requirements would be different right?
How much room does one allow for the distance from face of wall to back of desk chair?
What are corridor spacing requirements for offices?