berol 发表于 2022-7-7 16:48:06

Autocad 2000 LT, X0,Y0,Z0 to p

Using 2000 LT, Need help setting the Absolute Datum,0.0000 for all three axis to a particular point on my drawing so I can directly read or print the X+ or- and the same for Y and Z directly during the drawing process.I know the +- X and Y coordinates are shown in the lower left by the comand line.What proceedure would I follow so I could print out the coordinates for any specific points on my drawing.Also, could they be shown and printed in either absolute relationship to the absolute datum 0.0000 or in an order, A to B to C etc. as in incremental.Thanks for any suggestions.

mdbdesign 发表于 2022-7-7 16:55:02

Does Autocad LT read "Z" axis?

berol 发表于 2022-7-7 17:05:45

mdbdesign,Did you ask "Does Autocad LT read "Z" axis"I don't think it does, have not gotten to it's 3D capability if there is one.Please just make your suggestions with regard only to the X and Y axis. Thanks

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 17:13:23

LT 2000?Too bad.You don't have access to FIELDS.You might try the LIST command but I'm not sure it is exactly what you are looking for here.LT also means no access to Lisp which would also help.You would have to look into a diesel macro perhaps.
Check this out.Found it in the LT discussion group.

berol 发表于 2022-7-7 17:14:59

I also have access to Autcad Ver 14 at a friends, would that have the commands necessary?

mdbdesign 发表于 2022-7-7 17:27:05

If you have access to full version you can try:

berol 发表于 2022-7-7 17:31:12

Since I am a noob,could you be more specific about how to enter your suggestion and what will this give me.Could you also speak to the Absolute and incrimental part of my question, Thanks

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 17:38:32

You'll have to use the APPLOAD command to load each lisp routine.You'll also have to know what to type in at the command line to run each routine.Some lisp routines are written in such a way as tell the user what needs to be typed.Others aren't so helpful and have to be opened up using Notepad or an other ASCII text editor and read.Look for a line that has the phrase "defun c:".Whatever is shown after the "c:" is what you need to enter at the command line.
Got all that?

mdbdesign 发表于 2022-7-7 17:41:38

Lets try first sample:
Drag & drop file: "CORD-LDR.lsp" into Autocad14 drawing area(fastest method)
Type on command line: cr and hit enter. Read and follow command line prompt.
Second routine is call by command: "cor"
last one is call by command: "cord"
If you going to use LT version I will suggest ReMark link to Diesel macro.
This way next question is : How to create button and add macro to it?
Did you use Command: _dimbaseline?. It is another way of many to achieve your request.
Best idea: post what you need to do - drawing?
Beside this comment I will suggesttutorial on our(can I call it like that?) web site.

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 17:48:23

Hey why not just plain simple UCS resets to 0,0,0 then co-ord are relevant to new pt which is what was asked for
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