Plat Survey Tutorials/Practice
I've got a contract to draw up 1500 plat surveys.This is what I did for a living several years ago.However, the last version of AutoCAD I used was 2007.I just bought 2013 and am a bit lost.Are there some tutorials or practice plats out there in cyberspace that you guys know of?I'm wearing google out but thought maybe somebody could cut down my search time. The tutorials posted here at CADTutor should help get you started.The ones that are posted at the link below were created for AutoCAD 2010 but the bulk of what they cover will be applicable even in 2013.
Note: None of the tutorials referenced are specific to drawings plats. Thanks, ReMark. You can switch your workspace to "AutoCAD Classic" and make it look similar to 2007.The basic functionality haven't changed that much. Switching to "Classic" AutoCAD is, in my opinion, a crutch.You need it for a while but then you must learn to walk on your own again (unaided) so I would recommend you at least try to learn to work with the Ribbon, tabs and panels.Remember that you can customize your Ribbon to make it work the way you want and to include only the commands and features you tend to use on a daily basis.You can also set up customized workspaces and palettes. Thanks profcad, that is one of the first things I did after loading.I haven't drawn a single thing since 2009.I can't believe how quickly I'd forgotten everything.Quite frankly, I'm embarrassed about it.I suppose it's true that if you don't use it; you lose it.
That is exactly my intent.When that ribbon came up I was absolutely lost.I found that a lot of counties have surveys online in PDF format.I spent the day yesterday drawing several plats.It's all coming back to me.I really appreciate your help. Someday AutoDesk is going to kill off the "classic" version and when they do you will hear a howling the likes of which will send shivers up your spine.Eventually we will make our way up that road (i.e. - the Ribbon) or get left behind.