CAD For steel detailing?
Are people out there still using AutoCAD for steel detailing?, or is mostly everyone using tekla now. I know there is an autocad for steel but dont know anyone who uses it. We use both, but mostly Tekla. just wondering..John
Shop Drawings for Newbies We use plain AutoCAD.Typically we design small structures like platforms, walkways, stairs and pipe trestles.Once in a while it gets a bit more involved.We've designed bases for two cooling towers and the framing for a three story addition to a process building.Most all of this has been done utilizing small structural members (mostly tube shape, channel and angle) but our latest project, a roof extension over a waste drum storage pad, involves "W shapes" ranging in size from W18x60, W16x40, W14x22 to W12x26, W12x19 and W6x12.The columns are a combination of W10x39 and HSS12x12.We're covering this with galvanized steel decking. The structural folks at work use ProSteel/Prostructures which are AutoCAD add-ons but they plan on moving to Revit next year
Hey remark, send me a picture of what you described. My job has alot of steel elements in it, including bollards with EQPM on them. so it would benefit me if i knew what they are refuring to. Thanks! I use AutoCAD with the help of Al's Steel Mill for the steel shapes. The detailing company I know of uses ProSteel. Autocad have a stuctural steel program, but more commonly companies I have delt with tend to use X-steel or Stru_Cad software. I only do a small amount of steel structural detailing, but I'd certainly look into something with more connection "intelligence" than vanilla AutoCAD if that was a larger part of my job.