Editing a CAD drawing title (N
Hello there, I am new to the AutoCAD and the forum.I would like to know how I can edit my Title Block at the bottom of my page. I used to be able to select it in the past when opening the new template file. However after I performed drawings in the model window and back to the layout, I cannot click or edit the field anymore. I tried highlighting using my mouse, shifting layers and exploring right click commands but nothing good came up.
Please refer to the attachment what I mean. I am running AutoCAD 2013 and I am on the "AutoCAD Classic" theme.
I tried doing a search online and on the forum with keywords such as "edit title", "edit name" but nothing relevant came up.
Mircea is right on the money, you have merely activated your viewport and entered modelspace.Double click outside of the blue box to get back into paperspace.
You need to click on some part of the sheet, or text, at which point you will have selected the block, which is made up of attributed values.
Once you see that the SHEET block has been selected and all of it will be highlighted, you can right click to access your shortcut menu.
Then depending on what you hope to do you can choose either EDIT BLOCK IN PLACE or EDIT ATTRIBUTES.
Either way once you get that far you will likely be able to figure it out, just follow your commandline prompts.
You can also just double click on an attribute (name, scale, date) which you would like to change, and that should open the ENHANCED ATTRIBUTE EDITOR,
where you can change any of the attributes directly.