Polyline Edit - Closing Profil
I've created a bunch of lines which are touching each other but I can't seem to close them into a closed polyline area as I am trying to find the area of each individual profile.I have tried moving the grips away and re attaching them, I have also extended all the lines and attempted to retrim them to ensure that they are closed, but none of this works.
The Fuzz distance is on 0, but I don't know if I am changing the profile in the unts of millimetres so I am tentative to change this.But I just can't close the profiles.Help. Drawing2.dwg
The file which I am using to close a profile I have attached to this message. I am not sure how they got that way.I couldn't get them to JOIN with PEDIT, FLATTEN or JOIN commands.I used CHANGE & OVERKILL on them, and found that there were a number of doubled up lines, which doesn't help when trying to join objects.Finally I just traced over them and created a brand new closed polyline.Hope this helps you out.
Drawing2CLOSED.dwg Overkill reports 56 duplicates deleted and 1 overlapping object deleted.This is a case of poor drafting/CAD technique given the simplicity of the object you have created.
Furthermore, one line is identified as NOT being parallel to the UCS.Just how did you go about creating this object?
Lastly, since you created the "arcs" using the ELLIPSE command without first resetting the system variable PELLIPSE to a value of "1" you will not be able to use the PEDIT command to join them up with the straight line segments to either side.
You need to crack open a book about AutoCAD and do a little studying. If you set the display to show a few more decimal places, you can see why matters are awry.
The bottom line looks like this
Once that were sorted out, Bpoly seems like a way to get the Area This post:
Has tips for using Flatten, Overkill, Pedit and Fillet zero to create clean geometry for CNC.
This post:
Has a lot of tips for converting Ellipses and splines into polylines.
and this post:
Includes a tip for using the properties palette to identify the Z position of polyline and spline nodes (Useful if you don't have express tools).
I Hope you find some useful information in there!
See bold for replies, again thank you.
I did hatch all my sections as I have a series of profiles like the ones which I have attached and i cant hatch all of them, all i wanted was areas.