davesec 发表于 2022-7-7 17:03:05

10 questions to make sure i�

i'm sorta kinda familiar with a lot of beginner-level stuff for autocad. it's been a while since i used the software and want to make sure i have things straight.. i find as a beginner the hardest part isn't actually drawing stuff, it's making sure i have the program actually set up so i'm not doing things the hard way.
1. model space - always draw 1:1. this is where i draw stuff.
2. paper space - this is where i set up my paper size. i draw viewports in here, and within those viewports i set up my plans/elevations/etc at the scale i want to plot at.
3. layers - if i'm using a lot of layers (50+), should i be assigning linetypes and lineweights and various attributes to them?
4. annotations - should be in paper space, right? is there a place where i can set up the 3 or 4 main fonts i would use on a typical drawing? is there a way where i can sort of 'tag' annotations to drawings? so if i change the scale of a viewport, the annotations shrink or enlarge accordingly?
5. dimensions - should be in model space, right? if i put them in paper space and change the scale of a viewport they'll get messed up?
6. .ctb files - these are plot styles, right? this is where i assign lineweights to the colors used in my model? will a .ctb file override a lineweight i choose in my layer manager?
7. what do you call the thing where you set up your titleblock so you can double-click it and a box pops up and you can enter in all the information?
8. i want to make some templates for 11x17, A0, A1, A2, etc.. in addition to having my titleblock there, can i set up the fonts that i will be using, layers that i will be using, and is there a way to make my titleblock automatically show up on each new sheet that i create?
9. on that note, let's say i make a template for an A0 size piece of paper, and i've got the font sizes all nice.. is there someway i can turn that template into an A1 size, and do something so that the fonts are all scaled relative to this new size? or do i have to make each template individually?
10. do i need a ctb file if my layers are all set up with proper lineweights?
thanks guys!

jammie 发表于 2022-7-7 17:14:46


1.Yes2.Yes3.Yes but not always - objects don't always need to inherit layer properties4.Not always - (have no comment for annotation)5.Yes - others may disagree but they are also correct6.Yes7.A block with predefined attributes8.Create a template file (*.dwt) that can be used that for creating drawings from scratch. Also see insert->layout for importing individual preset layouts from a template9.I would create individual blocks for each templates10.CTB files give you better control for plotting

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 17:27:05

Re: Dimensions and text.
They can reside in model space and if you use the "annotative scaling" feature they will display correctly in every paper space viewport no matter what scale has been assigned.The key is to apply the same scale(s) to your dimensions and text back in model space thus making them "annotative".
Personally, I prefer to put all my dimensions and text in my layout but I did want to make you aware there was another option available.Use the one that works best for you.

davesec 发表于 2022-7-7 17:30:39

thanks so much for the help.
i have a follow-up question about ctb files - how exactly is it better for plotting?
in my mind, the ctb file basically says 'blue - thick line, red - thin line, yellow - thinner line' etc etc etc. whereas if i set it up in the layers, i can do the exact same thing, but also choose if i want the line dashed or not. so it seems like layers and ctb files do the same thing, in which case i don't understand why i have to do the work twice.
on top of that, sometimes i open another person's file and it says the ctb file is missing.. so if i don't have that, then i have no idea how to plot this thing.. whereas if the information is in the layer property window, then it's embedded in the file and i won't have this problem.
could someone elaborate on that?
i will also look into the annotative scaling feature! thanks!

f700es 发表于 2022-7-7 17:42:15

Also be sure to set your line type scale, LTSCALE in Acad. This controls how the various linetypes look. You might also have to change the PSLTSCALE in paper space so your linetypes show properly. Check your units as well. I would set everything like you want and then as above save it in a DWT file (drawing template). You can always make changes and then save over your DWT file if needed.

jammie 发表于 2022-7-7 17:49:59

Again there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to managing your drawings and plotting.
CTB files help provide a standard method for plotting drawings. They provide consistency for plotting multiple drawings and for working on different projects. Most companys should have standard ctb or stb files that can be used for plotting.
If your drawing is missing a CTB file that you should request it - perhaps ask that the drawing be e-transmitted to you

DANIEL 发表于 2022-7-7 18:00:10

I'd recommend dimensioning in paperspace as it will be a simplier way for you to keep your dimensions uniformed from drawing to drawing.

Bogbadbob658 发表于 2022-7-7 18:09:57

For me it's all about flexibility and speed. If I have five different linetypes all to be drawn with the same line thickness I don't want to have create 5 different layers. Yes you could override the linetype but that then it reduces my flexibility when it comes to plotting. Having said that I know many companies that do it as you suggested. You might want to check out stb files if you are thinking of going that way.
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