damanebp 发表于 2022-7-7 17:06:46

CTRL+Z has stopped working

Believe it or not, I'm actually quite an experienced AutoCAD user, though this issue is making me feel like a newbie again. I'm currently using Civil 3D 2012, and all of a sudden CTRL+Z has stopped working as UNDO. It does nothing. I've found this issue in lots of other outdated forum posts, but none seem to relate to Civil 3D 2012. I went into CUI to see if the shortcut was somehow changed, but the UNDO command still points to CTRL+Z as its shortcut. Anyone have an idea as to why this would happen all of a sudden?

Dana W 发表于 2022-7-7 17:20:24

I know it's silly but I gotta ask...
This is sorta like "Did you look at the gas guage?" but it's the only thing I can find that effects my Ctrl + z.Is your caps lock on?Upper case Z don't work.

damanebp 发表于 2022-7-7 17:28:30

Thanks for the quick reply. Especially with AutoCAD, it's usually "is the layer unlocked?" My caps lock was off, so that wasn't the problem. But oddly enough, I just opened up AutoCAD for the day and CTRL+z is working fine. I've changed no settings, done nothing differently. This is particularly strange because the first thing I tried yesterday was restarting everything...
Anyway, thanks again!

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-7 17:33:15

Maybe it is a keyboard issue.

damanebp 发表于 2022-7-7 17:45:22

It started happening again, but this time it affected all the programs open on my computer so I started systematically closing applications. Lo and behold, Skype was stealing the Ctrl+Z shortcut and preventing it from working in any other program. Had to change Skype's hotkey settings to remedy the situation. Very odd, but it's fixed now. Thanks for your replies!

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-7 17:56:36

You should dump Skype.
I use VID HD by Logitech 10x faster and much more clear.

damanebp 发表于 2022-7-7 18:04:11

I'll check it out. Unfortunately my job relies on Skype though, my team is scattered all over the globe and we need it to hold large-scale meetings. As much as I would prefer it, I would have a very hard time convincing everyone to use something other than Skype (not all are tech savvy in the least). Unfortunately this is a case of bad technology remaining the status quo because of user-laziness.

Dana W 发表于 2022-7-7 18:11:36

Don't feel bad.My wife's boss is still trying to find somebody to maintain his Foxpro database, that he paid thousands for, many years ago.Nevermind that QuickBooks, of which they already have the base version, can do it all in a slambamthankyamam.
My Daughter says that Skype is like watching a flip card movie in an arcade museum.
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