command sugestions list/dropdo
Hellothe list that normally droped down when I started typing a command has gone from a newer verson I installed? anyone know were I go to get it back?
It's been a while since I used cad and I've forggoten so much that it would be very helpful to get the drop down when I type "f" for instance the list would show up by my mouse with Fillet and of commands starting with the letter f.
thank you
J Maison Right click in your commandline, then set your AUTO COMPLETE preferences there. Are you using AutoCAD 2010?
I believe autocomplete is only available in 2012. thanks that explains everything! i took a corse & was told 2012 and 2010 were almost identicle, didn't think it wouldn't be there. That sucks as I really liked that feature specially when starting out as it's a great refresher/guide.
oh well I'll have to do without! J. As others have said, Autocomplete is new to 2012, but you can still get similar results in older versions by typing a few letters, then using the TAB key to cycle through a list commands that begin with what you typed.When the right command is displayed, just hit :thumbsup:so it does thanks, that's very helpful for when you don't quick remember the full name or shortcut.