data table insert..
Ok, why the heck does ACD have its head in its A**I have a project, i insert a BOM. (1 production is 120Vac / DC 1 is 24Vdc) Wiring is made identical..... BOM's are differnet due to component partnumbers..
I have 3 data sets inserted:
Jumper chart
Nameplate Schedule
I save the file for 120V.
Save As 24V.
Make annotation changes, and few wiring changes..
Changed Directories for Data Tables. (seperate folders same file names)
Every time i insert the BOM table (its the only one of the three that are different) i am getting the 120Vac spread sheet... i changed and changed and changed the stupid data set name and file names... Finally changing the dataset to BOM24V it updated to the proper BOM (NO MATTER THAT I CHANGED THE STUPID DIRECTORY).... My directory is set to Full Path so Relative path is not a concern and neither is no Path.
Are Data Set files Cached somewhere in ACD's files and require unique names???
- Thanks. Are you using the DATALINK for this? Yes. bleh blah blo blag blog (because my message was to short) Did you detach the reference and re-reference the Datalink? That's usually how I do it and I've never had a problem. I updated the directory for the data table, than downloaded from source.
That Didnt Work.
I deleted the table, changed the directory in the data reference (the preview even showed the updated table) and than went to annotate and re-added the table to the same location and it reverted to the original.
That Didn't Work
I deleted the table, deleted the reference, added a new reference, and inserted the table.. it was still the reverted original table.
That Didn't Work.
Note my directories are:
but the data files are the same in each folder "BOM" "Nameplate Schedule"
thats why i was wondering if it took the files and cached it in another directory, causing the conflict of the redundant file names.
What fixed it was... Removing the Table, Removing the data Link, Re-naming the file to 24VBOM, adding Data Link 24VBOM rather than BOM and inserting the table... Glad you got it to work, but just for clarity any reference can't have the exact same name, whether it's a DWG Xref, a PDF reference, Raster reference, Datalink reference, etc, with expectations for them both to populate different results. Different directories doesn't matter as it still duplicates the current reference name.
For instance, say you had two first floor plan DWG files, named exactly the same thing but in two different directories. The directories are named "Current Floorplan" and "Existing Floorplan", but both files are named "FP-01.DWG". Soon as you try and reference both of them, the second DWG file will come in as the first one did since the reference name already exists. Same works for Datalinks. Well, what I don't understand is why it identifies a "Full Directory" or a "Relative Directory" Seems rather contradictory..
I guess my further mis-understanding is that These are Two Different Files, the wiring is the same, a bit of the annotation changes so I made the 120V version of the controls application, and save as 24V version. "Peak 150 120V", "Peak 150 24V" and yet this complication still crossed the different files.
I guess the ultimate question is i do multiple projects can i not have a standard Folder / File - Nomenclature / Path for all projects for example:
Customer Documents
Released Drawings
Working Drawings
Product Info
BOM / Purchasing..
Name Plate Schedule
Will having identical names for multiple different DWG Files Cause Conflicts??Cause that is what I am running into ATM. These were two different DWG files with same data table file names but different directories or did my File Save As throw a wrench into the machine? I just ran a test from one of my DWG files. We have some Datalink's that link some Excel files into the DWG file to be used as our Equipment Schedule page. I copied the Excel file to another directory, opened the file, renamed a few items and saved/closed. I then opened my External References manager, selected the necessary Datalink and in the Details pane I changed the "Found At" directory. After I ran a DATALINKUPDATE, it updated the Datalink information with no problems. Same Excel filename, just different directory.
I even did a Save As for the DWG file to try it and it works all the same.
Is this all you're wanting to do? External References Manager? Data Link Manager?
Found At Directory?
I would assume were talking about the same features im just making sure cause i can tell you sure as donkey sh* stinks that it was giving me grief.