Boxes containing blue & red li
What are they for and how do i get rid of them?I'm new to autocad and essentially using it for 2-d design at this point.
Whenever I use the rectangle tool and place the rectangle I immediately get like 5 or so of these little gray boxes popping up. Within the boxes are two lines, one blue and one red. The lines are either parallel or perpendicular to eachother. I have to click an 'x' to remove them. This adds a lot of extra time and hassle to the process of making simple designs.
I cannot seem to figure out how to disable them. if you could offer some assistance with this matter, I would greatly appreciate it. _constraintinfer = 0 Thanks for the tip, but what do I do with that info exactly? What are those boxes for? Thanks again. Those boxes are "constraints" which you may have accidentally enabled.To disable them type the word CONSTRAINTINFER at the command line and change the value shown to "0".Contraints are used in in parametric design. The toggle is at the lower left of your screen, it reads INFER, click it once to turn it off.