Quickly searching for NON-over
It seems there are several ways to search hard coded (overridden) dimensions.However, the FIND command does not locate dimensions that are not overridden.Example, I want to find all dimensions that are 12'-0".If I 'FIND' 12'-0", it will only locate dimensions that I have forced to 12'-0".
Thanks for any suggestions! Very strange that AutoCAD would do that even if one checks off "Dimension or Leader Text" under Text Types. I suppose you could search for those dimensions that were over-ridden and force them to a special layer.Once done, freeze that layer.Any dimensions left showing would be those that were not over-ridden. That would allow me to isolate one type from the other.Ultimately, I'm trying to obtain a total count of both on a drawing that contains MANY various dimensions.Hiding one type would still leave me manually searching for the others.
Thanks for chiming in! Don't give up hope just yet.One of the AutoLisp wizards could probably come up with a solution.