How to move drawing to (0,0,0)
Dear All!,I want to import the attached file to cypecad for structural analysis. It mandatary that lower left corner ofdrawing should be movedat (0,0,0). How to do that??
Please help.
shh1.dwg Move > Ctrl+A > Click lower left corner > 0,0,0
Done! Save the below routine as insn.lsp then APPLOAD the file.The command is then INSN.
(defun c:insn () (command"UCS" "ORIGIN" pause"BASE" "0,0,0"))
This works on the opposite principal to Tiger's suggestion, it moves your origin and basepoints to the point you select.
Please don't take this personally - I'm certain your method works for you - but my personal opinion of this approach is it introduces a number of difficulties that may appear down the road.
I believe it is important to maintain a consistent and reliable origin point (the WCS) within drawings. By relocating the origin to a non world 0,0,0 there is no consistency. Dear All,
Tiger's approach is simple & has worked.hats off to HER. It is good practice to start drawing from origin. I agree.