Retreiving a *.ac$ Autosaved d
We had a computer store upgrade our hardrive, and we seem to have lost a drawing.I have found a Autosave file (*.ac$) that might be the file I need.HOW can I convert the autosave to a current *.DWG?????
Thanks in advance. Since nobody has mentioned it, the ._DrawingRecovery command/palette will (a) FIND your autosave and backup files, and (b) allow you to OPEN them without any renaming operations.
Only *if* AutoCAD recognises that it's just crashed - which believe me is not guaranteed.
This is a useful automated way to do it, but IMHO it still pays to know the old fashioned way (in the past I've even used *.sv$ files to recover deleted linework -not that I'd recommend such a practise, but it can prove useful!)
Not exactly true. You can run the ._DrawingRecovery command at any time.
It will list any autosave and autosave backup files found in the appropriate location - with the exception of autosave files created from unnamed drawings.
True. But for the vast majority of users, finding and renaming files in Windows is a crap shot because of the default hidden file extensions, hidden directories, etc. It's much easier to explain to a new user to run an AutoCAD command than to get into Windows settings and all of that.