Adding Materials/Textures to 2
Hi guys and gals,I have recently landed a job at a design company as an instrument design technician. The last time I touched CAD was about 6 years ago so I have been going through some tutorials. Unfortunately the comany I work for use 2000i so it isn't the most up to date version or anywhere near for that matter but nonetheless I have been perservering (I have both 2011 and 2012 on my pc at home).
What I wanted to know if anyone can help is if you can add materials or textures to 2D objects. I have been going through the tutorials on here (which are brilliant by the way) and I'm doing this one:
drawing it has been a breeze now that i have refreshed my memory but I was wondering if I could make it look like the example in the tutorial with the brickwork, water and trees.
Cheers everyone Materials cannot be added to 2D objects.Textures, well, you could use various hatch patterns.
This topic has been covered before and at least one forum member actually demonstrated a method he uses to add "punch" to a drawing.Check the Similar Threads section at the bottom of the page.
Welcome to the CADTutor forum. Cheers ReMark,
I've had a look through the forums and low and behold for anyone else who has this question and stumbles on this post, try this:
Cheers again mate