PMarx 发表于 2022-7-7 19:06:46

Problem with dynamic blocks (A

Sorry for the vague title. Here is the issue.This is a problem I'm only having with some of the dynamic blocks I create. Since I follow the same procedure for ones that I don't have a problem with, I am at a loss as to what I'm doing wrong.
I've attached one of the culprits. There doesn't seem to be an issue with this block when I open it with the block editor in the drawing where it was created. However, if I insert it into another drawing, it comes in as a block but when I select it, only the insertion point grip is visible. What happened to the parameters and actions? Oh they're still there but I have to open the block editor again for that block and then they display a great distance away from the block itself. This is all in model space with no change to the scale of the block upon insertion.
If I erase the parameters and actions and recreate them, the block behaves correctly in that second drawing but there is still the problem with the original block in my library.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PS- The attachment is supposed to be for a portion of metal deck that can be arrayed to whatever length is requied.

qball 发表于 2022-7-7 19:15:00

and one more observation, the grips are there in the first instance. They are just so far away a zoom extents doesn't find them. And not only are they far away they work correctly! However, that doesn't solve your problem.
I don't think you have to recreate your actions, just move them back to where your model is. To do this (if you don't know, appologies if you do) when you open the BEDIT screen you will probably only see your actions. Zoom in untill you can see one of the distance grips. Use the MOVE command and select the distance and array items, use the distance grip as your base and type #0,0 as your displacement. The # tells AutoCAD you want to move something TO the given position, without the # it moves by the given amount.

eyde 发表于 2022-7-7 19:20:47

Just a handful, I think. I'm new to these so I don't have an extensive library. I think the problem is only with the array action.

qball 发表于 2022-7-7 19:33:11

I have moved your actions, deleted one grip and WBLOCKed it out. Does this behave correctly for you or is it still playing up?

eyde 发表于 2022-7-7 19:37:15

This may be too simple but have you purged the original block? I had a similar thing happen and it was inserting a previous non-dynamic version of the block until I purged.

dbroada 发表于 2022-7-7 19:44:35

LOL. I've purged more than Stalin did.

PMarx 发表于 2022-7-7 19:51:22

Hallelujah! Unfortunately I don’t understand your fix but many thanks. What did you do ("WBLOCKed it out")? All the entities are lines (I misspoke when I said they were polylines originally). Regardless, thank you again and to all others who responded.

PMarx 发表于 2022-7-7 19:57:04

WBLOCK is the AutoCAD command to write a block to a file. Create your block in the current drawing. Type WBLOCK and select the top option "Block" and press go (you can modify location and name as needed). Alternatively don't create your block but select the bits using the Object option. I prefer to create the block first and I don't think this will for for dynamic blocks anyway.

PMarx 发表于 2022-7-7 20:05:01

What about updates / service packs to your Autocad? Maybe there is a software problem.

dbroada 发表于 2022-7-7 20:11:51

I suppose anything is possible. From what I've read on-line, there's a bug in 2008 that causes the paper/model tab on the status bar to turn off. I'm still willing to bet it's just "user error".
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