Linetypes, scales and publishi
A coworker is trying to publish a bunch of drawings to dwf and is having problems with the linetypes.Essentially, after publishing, the hidden lines are showing up dashed in some drawings and solid in others.We've tried setting the ltscale to 1 and the psltscale to 0.We are using AutoCAD 2007.Additionally, when we look at one tab in paperspace, the lines look correct, on another, the dashes look smaller.I'm at a loss as to what to do.Does anybody have any ideas? Linetype Scale 101.pdfSee attachment for basic information on linetypes scale.Generally, we set first and foremost the ltscale (command alias: lts) to the scale we are going to do the printouts.If you gonna print 1:75, set the ltscale to 75 and if you gonna print 1:100, set it to 100.If the ltscale is 1, then I do think you might want to print in 1:1.You won't draw a house in 1:1 in A4 but you might draw simple objects not exceeding an arbitraty width value of say 277 maximum.A second step is to change the linetype scale of the object.The first or ltscale is the global scale and the linetype scale in the object properties (select object, right click, properties or select object and ctrl+1).See a 1:1 example in the pdf attached. Nicolas, a little late, but thanks for our help with this.Thanks Attached file was a good summary.