maipon 发表于 2022-7-7 19:08:11

Trouble with (lots of) blocks

Hi everyone.
I'm escentially an absolute newbie on AutoCAD, and I've been assigned to edit a cad file about some buildings (changing all the lines, blocks, and stuff to color 8!)
The issue is that the model itself is all about blocks. The first block is, well, everything; inside it are like 15+ more blocks, and so on and on.
So the question is... how can I change de color of all the objects, like real quick, without having to edit every object on the Block Editor!!
Thanks in advance, and sorry any mistake (being this my first post in this forum, and also, not being english my native tongue)
Oh... btw, I'm working on AutoCAD 2011 LT

nestly 发表于 2022-7-7 19:42:29

Thanks sooooooo much!!
It actually changed all the blocks that were giving me hard times!
I also read the post un cadalyst, very useful; uone question only remaining (about this thread obiously)... what is VP?
Again, thanks a lot!

maipon 发表于 2022-7-7 20:13:42

VP = Viewport
If you work with layouts / viewports, you can control layer visibility and layer colors differently in different views without having to change the original modelspace objects.
My primary use of this feature is probably similar to what you're currently doing.I turn all the background stuff to a light grey color in a VP so the objects being detailed stand out.
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