Dimensions Print "Outlined"
See sample drawing.My dilemma is the outlined dimensions and labels.Normally they come out solid.Current Conditions: there 3D objects in the drawing, I have dimensioned in model space, and I have set the VP Shade Plot to "Legacy Hidden".
Ideas on making the dimension ticks, arrows and font solid again?
edit - nevermind, my idea didnt work like i thought. Check the command FILL Checked and nothing.
Everything looks fine on my screen, but the dimension become outlined when I plot to PDF... and in plot preview. Hi, I think it's the TEXTFILL command; it controls the appearance of true type fonts. Make sure you have your visual style as 2D wireframe. It's under View.
Change that to "As Displayed" or "Legacy Wireframe" The wire frame options work, but reveal unwanted hidden lines and objects.
The "As Displayed" comes out somewhat blurry or fuzzy:
post the drawing