WBlock command allows for "bac
I have used the wblock command to block out drawings for use by other companies and was backsaving by using the wblock browsing ellipsis.I keep getting requests to backsave the blocks again, so this process doesn't seem to work.
Is this a known issue, or am I doing it wrong (which is completely possible)?
Thanks. In plain Autocad saving to an older version by Wblock is not an option. I would have to open the drawing and then SaveAs to an older version. I assume that's what you mean by "backsave". Yes, that is what I mean by backsaving.The wblock command shows that saving to an older version is an option (browsing ellipsis), but it seems that it is not functional.
For now, I am using the saveas command after opening the block or exporting the file as an older version of AutoCAD. oh, sorry I didn't follow the process through. That is an option when it goes to SaveAs dialog.
I just tried it and it opened in A2007 just fine. Back to what version are you saving? With what version are they trying to open them? I am using Civil3D 2011.I typically save back to 2000 to cover all my clients and project team members (outside of company). What are your clients using to opening the drawing? Anything from 2000 to 2011, AutoCAD LT to Civil3D. You probably should use exporttoautocad. Read this....Warning message when you start AutoCAD Civil 3D or open existing drawings and this Invalid-file-error-not-caused-by-incompatible-versions