Did you change the origin of your UCS in model space? no, i did not change origin of ucs in model space.
yes, i am trying to add things in paperspace to the viewport i created, and when i do they also end up showing back on my model space. now chances are that i am not following correct autocad etiquette and probably have thing not set correctly. it is obviously hard for me to explain things correctly when posting, especially being i am pretty new to the autocad thing.
maybe this will help or confuse more,let's say you are in a view port, with a 3d object shown after you click on the left view tab.for explanation purposes, say you want to show a letter next to your object and want to see it in this view. the letter would have to have the bottom at say a z value of 10, the top with a z value of 20 and the left side of letter with y value 5 and the right side y value of 0. x would just be a single value for placement/depth . does that help? Short answer: no.
You generally have two standard choices when it comes to adding text and dimensions to a drawing.1) Put all text and dims in model space and use Annotative Scaling. Assign an annotative scale (or scales) to your text and dimensions that will match that assigned to your paper space viewports.2) Put all text and dims in your layout and assign values (like lengths of arrowheads and height of text) in real world values (ex. - 3/16" long arrowheads and 1/8" high text).The third "old style" and not-oft-used method-these-days is to scale your text and dimensions in model space just as you would if you were drawing "to scale" on a drafting board.So, for example, if your drawing was going to have a scale of 1/8"=1' and you wanted your plotted text to have a height of 1/8" you would give it a height of 12" in your drawing.This method leaves all objects, hatch, text, and dimensions in model space.You never use a paper space layout.
I think, from your description, that you are in a layout (with viewports showing) but you are dimensioning through the viewport in model space itself.In that case I think you would have to change the orientation of your UCS and perhaps even its Origin. If your viewport is a thick border and the crosshairs stop at the border, you are working in Modelspace.
If the viewport border is thin and the crosshairs extend to the edges of the screen you are in Layout (or Paperspace)
Also check on the bottom taskbar, towards the right it either says PAPER or MODEL well, i got back to the drawing and went to the viewport, i don't know how or why, but the ucs is now rotated correctly and text displays the way i wanted it. chances are that my fat fingers hit something before and threw it out of whack. all is well for now. i appreciate the replies and help from you all. thanks. While in your left view, UCS, 3, osnap to lower left corner, then lower right corner, then upper left corner.