canaanp 发表于 2022-7-7 19:21:40

Plot to scale?

Hello, I am extremely unexperienced with AutoCAD, but I desperately have a need to accomplish the following task:
I have several dxf files that were provided for laser cutting purposes. I have attached one file as an example. I am able to open the file and choose layout 1 and print. If I choose a 1:1 scale the image is very tiny in the corner of the page. If I leave the settings alone and just print, it is a full page, but the part on the paper is not the correct dimensions. The dimensions are in the gif file I also attached. When I print the dxf file the gap between two of the holes, for example, that should be 70mm is actually like 95 or so. Can someone please tell me how I can make this work? I have acad lt 2004 but also trueview 2011 if that helps. I have not had any luck in either one though. Thanks in advance for any help that is provided.
Bearing plate 5mm mild steel.dxf

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 19:27:03

okay try this. it's metric throughout i'm afraid.
Bearing plate 5mm mild steel NEW SHEET.dwg

canaanp 发表于 2022-7-7 19:32:59

if it's what you want i'll tell you how to do it (easy!)

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:37:10

It's not uncommon to find a mix of both imperial and metric units in some drawings from Canada.Their ties to the British empire and their proximity to the U.S. probably account for part of the problem.
I recently assisted someone in a Canadian architectural company convert a building drawn in metric units by a company in the U.K. to imperial units.The building was being constructed in Alberta, Canada.
My advice is to pick one or the other and stick with it.If dual dimensions make things easier consider the use of Alternate Units (see your Dimension Style tabs).

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 19:45:07

it's odd though because in the first file i returned when i changed the layout to A3 paper i measured it at 14 units (i think) which in inches is correct. can it be that model space is measured in mm while paper space is inches? if it is...... aaargh! the end is nigh!

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 19:51:13

Yes, this is perfect thank you! I could not open with 2004 lt, but I could open it with trueview 2011 and clicked the work tab, plot and it worked straight away with no changes. The measurement was 70mm as it is supposed to be - Thank you! Now, what is the secret?

canaanp 发表于 2022-7-7 19:52:49

Ok, so is it possible for me to make the necessary modifications to these files with acad lt 2004?

canaanp 发表于 2022-7-7 19:56:56

ah no secrets i'm afraid! i just copied it into one of my drawing templates and set up the page that way - in an attempt to keep it metric.
sorry forgot you were 2004 i saved as 2007. oh well you sorted that - yes you can work on it in 2004LT.
so i suggest for the other drawings, if they are a similar size part, just copy into your new template, resave, and go from there...... breakdown:
copy drawing (model space) out and paste into (model space) the one i sent as a template. if you use command COPYBASE or ctrl+shft+C you can select a base point, which will help you position it. either move into position using MOVE command or go to paper space, unlock viewport by selecting and command CH or properties - in the list somewhere will be a box "display locked" choose no. then double click inside viewport and zoom in or out, pan to find you drawing, click back out of viewport and set its scale using the drop-down box in bottom right (i think) and lock it again.
not much to it really. let us know if it works. and i'd like to know where you are. can you put your location in your CADTutor profile please?

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 20:05:22

Hmm, could you possibly resend that as a 2004 version? TrueView does not allow any editing or creating files, only to view and print - as far as I know anyway.
ok sorry I get it now, you are explaining how I can make these changes myself in 2004...

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 20:14:21

Doesn't DWG TrueView also include a conversion utility (save dwg to different release)?
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