PressPull/Extruding Irregular
Hey guys,The problem I'm having is presspull/extrude irregular shapes.
I have some really weird, irregular shapes that's consisted of fillets, lines, and arcs. For some reason I cannot REGION it. But I can HATCH it, and give it a solid inner part.
My irregular after being filled, can't be extruded. When I try extruding it,
the command line goes "This kind of shape cannot be extruded", without any explanation, or keywords.
Then, if I try to PressPull, it only PressPull the outline of the irregular shape, without pulling out the inner bulk part.
Then if I try to do anything more, my AutoCad likes to go "About to regen -- proceed?" error.
Anyone knows the solution to my problem?
Your help is much appreciated, thank you.
Dulerong If you can't region it then everything else won't work.Sometimes even if it is a polyline it may not region.Try copying the shapes and then split them up to smaller areas to find where it does not region.Once you have found where the problem is you may need to redraw that area so it can be regioned.Then do it on your main ones and you should be OK.
When splitting them up try and split them in the middle of lines as it will most likely be failing at a junction like rad to rad or rad to line. Zip and attach the file here.