Problem importing data from .t
I recently received a .txt file from a surveyor that I am unable to import into Autocad 2009.I have searched around and tried many different things but have been unable to get anything to work.Here is an example of what the command lines in the text file look like.
1 10000.000000 10000.000000 2350.000000 front gate
2 10026.480394 9950.030017 2349.825601 n gate entry
3 10005.038965 9944.815704 2349.475614 sgate entry
4 9974.688947 9889.792519 2350.801297 ir fen cor
5 9893.881462 9941.163123 2351.922353 .ip fen angl
6 9781.875807 9972.658294 2353.396643 4.i fen cor
7 9131.575038 9677.676598 2359.062840 2.5ip fc n s e
8 9127.812183 9697.121670 2357.523677 2.ip fc e w s
9 9103.113858 9823.106142 2356.271104 w gate post
10 9041.337748 10142.057135 2355.489464 2.5ip fc n w
If anybody has any information on how I can import these points, I'd really appreciate it.