James 发表于 2022-7-7 22:25:01

trim command - extend

just recently when i use the trim/extend command and i had several lines to trim to
aaaaaa) ---       |
b) ---   |
cccc) ---            |
now when i got to trim them all at once, they all trim to the shortest distance, then i have to click the others to trim past the shortest intersection
ie all lines will trim to where the apparent b) intersection is, then i need to click, a) and c) to trim to those intersections.
anyone know why?

Cad64 发表于 2022-7-7 22:58:40

Another example why this forum is so good!
In my previous CAD system you could trim to an imaginary extension of a line, with Autocad it seamed you couldn't (or at least the default is you couldn't) I have asked a couple of guys in our office - who have a few years experiance of Auto cad - but they did not know either if it could be done!
And now I know it can!

James 发表于 2022-7-7 23:13:29


nickahughes 发表于 2022-7-7 23:29:07

Here's a cool tip, When you are in the trim command hit hit enter one more time (command: TRIM)
Hold the SHIFT key down then click the side of the line that you want to extend and it will extend to the next object that is in its path. Do it once or keep clicking until it extends to where you want it.
This is a cool trick that allows you to do different tasks with one command.
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