memorael 发表于 2022-7-7 22:25:37

Opinions on Auto CAD for MAC.

I have been an avid mac user for about 5 years now and had to work using a pc for the obvious reasons. Now that mac cad is out I was wondering what your opinions are on it? is it very different than regular cad? or should I just stick with a PC?

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:24:46

I would wait until the next release.Why?For some reason AutoDesk did not include a lot of features that uers of AutoCAD on a PC have yet AutoDesk is still charging the Mac user a hefty sum.Some users say it's like paying full AutoCAD price for LT features.

memorael 发表于 2022-7-7 23:43:54

Thanks, I guess I will wait then for the next release.
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