airsoldier2001 发表于 2022-7-7 22:32:13

Help ! How to flat down a cur

Hi there ! I have finished 3d   modeling a canoe in Autocad8 , she`s made of8 curved surfaces ,and now I`m trying to “flat” themdown to asingle plansurface ,to get the exactdimensionsso I candraw themon the plywood.It should be a simple task butI am new to Autocad8 and I could really use some helphere . Thank you !

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 22:48:48

"Magic" buttons can be found 3 aisles over in the "Tricks and Tips" department right next to the Fairy dust.
Really?One simple command to unfold curved surfaces.Stop nipping the grain alcohol.Time for a reality check.
Know anyone running Inventor?
Are you a student?

airsoldier2001 发表于 2022-7-7 22:52:31

Thank you so much for your help ! I will look in to the program you linked me !It looks like exactly what I need !Idon`t have anyone around here running Inventor and I`m not a student . I`m on a small greekisland where is hard to find someone with knowledge about this kinds of software . Thank U for your time and support ! Best regards !

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 22:58:11

We have a few forum members who use in Inventor.Maybe than can offer some advice.
You're welcomed.Good luck with your canoe.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:14:56

We are about to complete a glass spiral staircase for a job at work here and I think this answer may help you.Your arc lengths are the key - that will be your flattened horizontal dimension.

airsoldier2001 发表于 2022-7-7 23:20:53

OK, I installed the program ( in the end I had to find a version for autocad8 , I loaded the application , I follow the exact instructions from the User Guide, which goes like that : Itype"unfoldsurf" command , I am then prompted to select the surface for unfolding, press enter as asked and then it ask me to : "Please Select Curves/Points For Unfolding (pressto end the selection):" . I try everything, but nothing is unfolding . Could please somebody clue me in about`it ? What I am supose to select in order to unfold`it ? If I try to select a point , line or curve from the surface I want to unfold , it gets selected all of the surface and nothing is unfolding . What I am doing wrong here ?

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:26:19

I was actually speaking from a 2D perspective, airsoldier2001.Looking down on a curved piece of glass and looking at the front of a flattened piece of glass using the arc length of the plan view for the width of the elevation.Your questions seem to be out of my league.So sorry.

airsoldier2001 发表于 2022-7-7 23:33:10

How to unfold surfaces in autocad 8 (for those who might encounter the same problems like me):normaly youshould be able to do that directly from autocad 8 , by downloading the add-on “Unfoldsurf For AutoCAD “
    from 3dsolidtech(,and using the “unfoldsurf “command . But, for some reason, I couldn`t make`it happen either in autocad 7,8 or 10 . I`m sure I was doing something wrong, since I am only one week old on autocad. In the end I did`itwith the Inventor10 , byconverting the DWG (autocad file) with the “acisout “ command in to a *.sat file (from autocad), opened ,unfolded in to inventor with the 3d solidtech add-on (smart unfolder for Inventor), then I saved the file as a *.sat(with the “save copy as *.sat ) ,opened the file in autocad 10 with the “acisin” command , to then save`it as a DWG so I can use`it in Autocad 8 ,since I could`nt see anything in the “*.sat” file   . I did this with help fromthe people (guru)ofthis forum, to which I transmit many ,many thanks and my respect !!! Regards !
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