Select All on a certain layer.
HiHow do you select everything on one layer?
I want to be able to copy and paste all from one layer into another layer?
Do I have to use scripts?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Dave Have you tried COPYTOLAYER as found in the Format pull-down menu in Layer Tools? i like LAYISO (isolates one layer)
then select it all
copy with basepoint CTRL+SHIFT+C
then paste CTRL+V
select basepoint
maybe this is only half an answer Could use QSelect and get similar results as well using copy/paste too I think. To change layers
layiso select all
properties box pick new layer or pick layer via layers toolbarok to turn off then layon If you are using civil 3d or Autcad 2011 you could use select similar
Right click -> select similar. It takes the objects properties you currently have selected and selects all items that are similar.
Best command ever.