ChrisGrady 发表于 2022-7-7 22:34:29

Shading & fading

Hi All - hope you all had a great weekend!!
Now I'm probably gonna get slated for this but is it possible to fade a colour out from a solid colour? a bit like when we were at school and we did a solid edge around a drawing but faded it out with lighter strokes of the pencil??

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 22:56:14

Then check out the Hatch command.When the Hatch and Gradient window appears click on the Gradient tab and explore some of the possibilities like one color, two color, shade and tint.

ChrisGrady 发表于 2022-7-7 23:01:17

Chris shows as using LT2009, LT can't create gradient fills or hatches, only view them.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:18:23

Sorry nukecad should have updated my profile - i have been on a training course recently and they have given me a link to some student software and have downloaded AutoCad 2011 to my computer and am using it as a example to my boss to persuade him to buy the full package - so trying to pull out all the stops!!!!
Are you a Whites fan? whereabouts in the lakes are you from?

nukecad 发表于 2022-7-7 23:23:44

If you have access to a full version of 2011 then you should be able to use a hatch / gradient fill as Mark said.
Whites fan? Back from the old days of Burnden Park (Even used to work the Beer and snack bars there and also at Ewood and Goodison as a teenager).
Born in Bolton and lived there for 40 years.
Moved to Egremont in Cumbria just over ten years ago; new job drawing / designing stuff for Sellafield. Hence my username and icon.

ChrisGrady 发表于 2022-7-7 23:35:52

Have managed to do the hatch/gradient thanks ReMark/nukecad - the boss is suitably impressed!!
Nukecad - the drawing is for the new Bolton Central area over by our club shop - should of guessed with your icon and username!! doh!!
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